Platform: WindowsProducts: MSP360 Backup
Article ID: s0393Last Modified: 10-Oct-2024

Virtual Machine Backup On Hyper-V Windows Server Core Edition

Note: these commands are available in Backup for Windows 6.3 and later

The following commands are available:

  • list. Lists files or versions backed up to a cloud storage
  • addHyperVPlan. Creates a new backup plan for Hyper-V machines to cloud storage
  • editHyperVPlan. Edits an existing Hyper-V plan
  • listHyperVMachines. Displays a list of local Hyper-V machines
  • addRestoreHVPlan. Creates a new plan to restore Hyper-V backups

List Command Parameters

  • -a. Account name
  • -f(-file). Backup file
  • -d(-directory). Backup directory
  • -r(-root). Backup storage root
  • -p(-prefix). Performs listing with a specified backup prefix
  • -hyperV(-hv). Lists backed up Hyper-V virtual machines
  • -VMware(-vm). Lists backed up VMware virtual machines
  • -output. Output format. Available values: short, full(default)
  • -mp. Master password. This parameter must be specified if the application is protected by master password
  • -?(?,/?,help,man). Displays help.


list -a "\\Buffalo\share\" -hv
CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
Connection settings are OK
Hyper-V host
Hyper-V host     QACLUSTER3.QA.local
        DOS 6.22 (v5.0)
				DOS 6.22 (v8.0)
				Ubuntu 14 (v.5.0)
				Windows Server 2003 (v.5.0)
				Windows Server 2012 (v5.0)
				Windows Server 2012 (v8.0)

listHyperVMachines Command Parameters

  • -output. Output format. Possible values: short, full(default)
  • -?(?,/?,help,man). Displays command help
listHyperVMachines  -output full
CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
        Name        Windows Server 2012
        Power State PoweredOff
        Name        Ubuntu 19.04
Power State PoweredOff
listHyperVMachines  -output short
Windows Server 2012
Ubuntu 19.04

addHyperVPlan Command Parameters

To create a Hyper-V backup plan, use the addHyperVPlan command.

Add backup HyperV plan command Help:

addHyperVPlan  -n planName  <-a accountName | -aid accountID>   <-all | -r | {-v machineName}> ]  [-ea [AES128-256] -ep password] [-every [day, week, month, dayofmonth]][-at specificDateTime] [-day [1..31]] [-weekday listOfWeekDays] [-weeknumber weeknumber]  [-repeatEvery repeatPeriod -repeatStartDate startDate]] [-everyForceFull [day, week, month, dayofmonth]][-atForceFull specificDateTime] [-dayForceFull [1..31]] [-weekdayForceFull listOfWeekDays] [-weeknumberForceFull weeknumber] [-repeatEveryForceFull repeatPeriod -repeatStartDateForceFull startDate]] [-sp [yes | no]] [-df days] [-preAction "command" -pac [yes | no]] [-postAction "command" -paa [yes | no]] [[-notification [errorOnly | on | off]]][-winLog [errorOnly | on | off]][-keepLastVersion [yes | no]][-keep [all | number]][-delayPurge [no | 1d(day) | 1w(week) | 1m(month)]][-purgeByDefault [yes | no]][-purge [no | 1d(day) | 1w(week) | 1m(month)]] 
    - all. Back up all virtual machines
    -r. Back up only running virtual machines
    -v. Back up only selected virtual machines.


addHyperVPlan** -aid decd1b88-ad49-4b0d-a620-39c187e7045e -n "HyperV from CLI" -r
editHyperVPlan** -n "HyperV from CLI" -v "Windows 7x64manual" -v "debug VM"

Note that in case you need to list selected virtual machines for backup plan, you have to list with the **-v** parameter separately (i.e.: **-v "Windows7" -v "Server12" -v "Server14"**)

Create a Hyper-V Restore Plan

To create a Hyper-V restore plan, use the addRestoreHVPlan command.

Add restore Hyper-V plan command Help:

addHVRestorePlan  -n planName [-cloneplan] <-a accountName | -aid accountID> <-host host name> <-machine machine name>  [-ep password] [-every [day, week, month, dayofmonth]][-at specificDateTime] [-day [1..31]] [-weekday listOfWeekDays] [-repeatEvery repeatPeriod -repeatStartDate startDate]] [-rt <LatestVersion | PointInTime> -rpt specificDateTime] [-preAction "command" -pac [yes | no]] [-postAction "command" -paa [yes | no]] -vdf virtualDiskFolder>

    -host(-h) Hyper-V host
    -machine(-m) Hyper-V machine name