Listing Backup Storage Contents

This article describes the how you can use MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup CLI to get information about the contents of your backup storage.

Listing File Versions and Folder Contents

Use the list command to find out which file/folder versions are available in a specified backup storage:

C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb list -?

Use the "-a (-account)" parameter to specify the name of a required storage account.


Specify the following parameters to get information about the contents of a backup storage.

  • -f (-file)
    Specifies the name of a file for which you would like to list the versions available in a backup storage. For example:

    cbb list -account "account_name" -file "C:\BackupSource\file.txt"
  • -d (-directory)
    Specifies the directory whose contents you would like to list. For example:

    cbb list -account "account_name" -directory "C:\BackupSource\"
  • -r (-root)
    Returns the name of a root directory where a backup's contents is located (e.g., "C:"). For example:

    cbb list -account "account_name" -root
  • -p (-prefix)
    Returns information about files/folders corresponding to a specified backup prefix. For example:

    cbb list -account "account_name" -directory "C:\BackupSource\" -prefix "pc_name"

The following parameters define the standard output format for this command.

  • -json Send the status to stdout in a JSON format.
  • -xml Send the status to stdout in an XML format.

Listing Backup Prefixes

Use the prefixes command to find out which backup prefixes are available for a specified storage account:

C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb prefixes -?

Use the "-a (-account)" parameter to specify the name of a required storage account.

The following parameters define the standard output format for this command.

  • -json Send the status to stdout in a JSON format.
  • -xml Send the status to stdout in an XML format.


The following command lists the backup prefixes available for a storage account with the specified name.

cbb prefixes -account "account_name"

Customizing the Backup Service Output

Use the status command to customize the format of standard output generated by a backup service:

C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb status -?

Normally, you do not need to use this command unless you need the backup service to communicate with another application.


The following parameters are supported for this command.

  • -id Identifies the backup/restore plan the last result of whose execution you would like to return.
  • -r (-refresh) Specifies the time interval for refreshing the backup service status, in seconds (5 seconds by default).
  • -l (-list) Specifies the standard output format for this command.

The following parameters define the standard output format for this command.

  • -json Send the status to stdout in a JSON format.
  • -xml Send the status to stdout in an XML format.