What's New

7.9.6 (01-Jul-2024)

Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes

7.9.5 (12-Jun-2024)


  • Improved mechanism of incremental backup creation to reduce the backup size. Warning: the first incremental backup after the Backup Agent update could be larger than usual.
  • Enhanced restore functionality for partially corrupted file backups.
  • Forever Forward Incremental: Intelligent Retention is now enabled by default, and cannot be disabled using UI.
  • New backup format: backup plan now requires that the full backup schedule is set before the plan can be saved.
  • New backup format: full and incremental backups can now have a different start time.


  • Improved Force using VS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) option processing in case of enabled Use VSS by default in Global Agent Options.
  • New backup format: Purge logic improvement for generations with warnings.

Deprecated Features

  • Show Predefined Plans toolbar link is now deprecated.
  • Legacy backup format: For new and changed plans in legacy backup format 'Back up NTFS permissions', 'Mark objects deleted in a backup source', 'File name encryption' advanced options are no longer available

Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes

7.9.4 (19-Mar-2024)

Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes

7.9.3 (14-Feb-2024)


  • SQL Server Backup: Added ability to run differential and transaction log backup on demand
  • Files Backup: Dropbox online files are now ignored if Do not backup on-demand files option is selected

Resolved Issues

  • Network Shares: Files in use by another process are reported as unexpected error (code 1003)
  • Long timeout on attempt to retrieve exclusive access to repository (code 1072)
  • Minor bug fixes (05-Jan-2024)

Resolved Issues

  • Non-latin symbols are case insensitive during backup
  • False negative error: There is no active upload of a large file when backing up to BackBlaze B2

7.9.2 (20-Dec-2023)

Deprecated Features


Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes (09-Nov-2023)

Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes

7.9.1 (10-Oct-2023)

Resolved Issues

  • Backup: error messages were improved
  • Minor bug fixes

7.9 (31-Aug-2023)



  • General: UI graphics are updated

Resolved Issues

  • Forever Forward Incremental: intelligent retention information for storages with early deletion policies
  • Virtual machine naming is now case insensitive
  • VM socket calculation issues resolved
  • Minor bug fixes

7.8.7 (08-Jun-2023)

CloudBerry is now part of MSP360 and the product is renamed to MSP360 Backup Agent for Windows


  • Forever Forward Incremental performance improvements

Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes

7.8.6 (09-May-2023)

Resolved Issues

  • Minor bug fixes

7.8.4 (22-Mar-2023)


  • Backup: error messages were improved
  • Hyper-V Backup: Processing of virtual machines in invalid state was improved

Resolved Issues

  • Export configuration: functionality is restored
  • Restore: minor bug fixes
  • Hyper-V/VMware Backup: minor bug fixes

7.8.3 (15-Feb-2023)



  • Retention policy: Scheduled full backup is mandatory to apply the retention policy in the new backup format
  • Immutability feature renamed to Object Lock

Known Issues

  • Upon rollback from version 7.8.3 to 7.8.2 or earlier, all passwords (storage accounts, network credentials, encryption passwords) are reset and require manual re-entering

Resolved Issues

  • Backup storage: Block-level backup is displayed instead of full from another computer
  • SQL backup: Sync fails after the failed backup plan execution
  • Consistency check: 'Sequence contains more than one element' error upon consistency check in the new backup format
  • Forever Forward Incremental: 'Unnecessary restore point was found' error after re-enabling Forever Forward Incremental backup
  • VMware backup: Error upon editing VM list using the quick edit

7.8.2 (20-Dec-2022)


  • Memory performance improvement on million folders to file system destinations (local disk/network share)
  • Reporting: Detailed report generation improvement for backup plans with large numbers (millions) of files
  • Diagnostic: Event logs can be sent until the app is running under the administrator account
  • Ability to re-init the repository database in case it is corrupted

Resolved Issues

  • File backup: Incorrect behavior of the 'Do not back up files used by other processes' option
  • Image-based backup: First full backup is interrupted by the scheduled full backup
  • Reporting: Some files are missing in the detailed report
  • Backblaze B2: Deep sync fails due to the 'Unknown file size' error
  • Restore: Issue with filenames upon restore to a specific location

7.8 (08-Nov-2022)


Resolved Issues

  • Backup: High memory consumption upon deep sync
  • Backup: 'Large files must have at least 2 parts' error upon uploading compressed files to Backblaze B2 storage
  • MS SQL restore: Restore job restores one excess transaction log file

7.7.1 (14-Sep-2022)


  • Restore Verification for virtual environments (VMware, Hyper-V)

Resolved Issues

  • File backup: Legacy backup format backup plans fail on listing of files containing unsupported characters
  • Hyper-V backup: Backup fails if VM config file is in use at the moment of backup
  • SQL backup:
    • Log sequence number chain breaks upon sync or consistency check
    • Log sequence number does not change after a full backup
    • Transaction log backup after differential backup forces full backup
  • Restore:
    • Folder NTFS permissions not restored
    • Restore: Incorrect restore parameters used if storage account in restore-only mode

7.7 (23-Aug-2022)


  • Immutability support for Backblaze B2


  • S3-compatible: Full backup execution if consistency check detects non-native multiparts for plan in the new backup format

Resolved Issues

  • Exchange/VMware: Data purge issue in legacy format backup plans

7.6.1 (27-Jul-2022)

Resolved Issues

  • Backup:
    • "Could not find file" error upon consistency checks on QNAP shares
    • 'Skip consistency check for legacy backup format' option issue
    • Plan in the new backup format fails with 'Sequence contains no elements' error
    • Backup: First backup destination set while editing the plan
    • Backup: Consistency check hangs generation database directory cannot be deleted
    • Backup: Dropbox file backup issue
  • File backup: Error upon backup of large amount (>1 000 000) of files
  • Image-based backup: Error on encrypted backup to Backblaze B2 destinations
  • Restore Verification: Error after running a synthetic backup
  • VMware backup: Error on backups of datacenters with special symbols in names
  • MS SQL backup: Full backup instead of differential upon new version update
  • File restore: Error upon restore of the latest version from destinations with enabled versioning
  • File restore: Latest file version restored instead of manually selected
  • Bootable USB/ISO: Error if partition label contains special symbols

7.6 (28-Jun-2022)



  • AWS S3: Number of listing operations reduced upon purge
  • Restore: Restore of large numbers of files improved in the new backup format
  • Restore: Multi-thread restore for image-based, VMware, and Hyper-V restore plans

Resolved Issues

  • File backup: Incorrect behavior if an invalid local destination is set
  • Restore: VM restore from AWS GovCloud fails

7.5.3 (2-Jun-2022)

Resolved Issues

  • MS Exchange backup: Some plans fail on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1/Exchange Server 2010 SP3 instances


  • Support for Wasabi AP Southeast 1 region (Singapore)

7.5.2 (19-May-2022)

Resolved Issues

  • Image-based backup: Restore Verification component installation issue
  • MS Exchange backup:
    • Backup plan interrupted unexpectedly
    • Backup plans fail on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows SBS 2011

7.5 (25-Apr-2022)


  • Schedule: 'Repeat Every' option in the new backup format backup plans
  • Retention policy: Improved logic of data retention in the new backup format
  • MS SQL backup: Backup sequence consistency improvement
  • Real-time backup improvement

Resolved Issues

  • File backup: Backup is interrupted if a source network share is not available at the moment of backup
  • Backup wizard: 'Check Network Shares' wizard step is skipped if any subfolders are excluded on source network share
  • Hyper-V backup: Invalid socket count for clustered VMs
  • Retention policy (legacy backup format): 'Delay Purge' option is reset after consistency check
  • Backup Storage: 'A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented' error upon generation deletion for backups in S3-compatible/MinIO

7.4.3 (13-Apr-2022)

Resolved Issues

  • Backup: Minor bug fixes
  • Restore: Minor bug fixes

7.4.2 (17-Mar-2002)


  • Support for Wasabi EU Central 2 region (Frankfurt, Germany)

7.4.1 (14-Mar-2022)

Resolved Issues

Hyper-V backup issue hotfix

7.5 (21-Apr-2022)


  • Schedule: 'Repeat Every' option in the new backup format backup plans
  • Image-based backup: Changed Block Tracking improvement
  • Retention policy: Logic improvement data retention in the new backup format
  • MS SQL backup: Bacup consistency imporvement
  • Real-Time backup improvement

Resolved Issues

7.4.3 (13-Apr-2022)

Resolved Issues

  • Backup: Minor bug fixes
  • Restore: Minor bug fixes

7.4.2 (17-Mar-2002)


  • Support for Wasabi EU Central 2 region (Frankfurt, Germany)

7.4.1 (14-Mar-2022)

Resolved Issues

Hyper-V backup issue hotfix

7.4 (21-Feb-2022)




Resolved Issues

  • GUI: Missing 'Restore Backup Plan' item in the Restore Point context menu
  • Logging: Host server OS VMMS Admin event logs are not collected

7.3.2 (02-Feb-2022)


  • Wasabi: Support for EU West 2 region (Paris, France)

7.3 (07-Dec-2021)


Resolved Issues

  • Backblaze B2: repository sync issue
  • Setup: Microsoft Visual C++ package installation issue
  • Restore: Upon item-level restore of MS Exchange 2016 no selected messages are displayed
  • Bootable USB: Error upon selecting bare-metal recovery option

As of December 1, 2021, MSP360 is switching CloudBerry Backup from a perpetual license to an annual subscription model. Refer to Product Licensing for details.

7.2.3 (01-Dec-2021)

7.2.2 (18-Nov-2021)


  • Support for Windows 11
  • Image-based backup: 'Back Up All Fixed Drives' option
  • Wasabi: Support for AP Northeast 2 (Osaka, Japan) and EU West 1 (London, England) regions

Resolved Issues

  • Junction points and symbolic links are included in backup
  • Null reference error upon VSS snapshot creation

7.2.1 (19-Oct-2021)


Resolved Issues

  • CLI: security update
  • General: Incorrect redirects from HTTPS to HTTP
  • Backblaze B2: Error on data purging
  • Hyper-V: 'The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file' error
  • Restore to EC2: Invalid restore plan setting if created from ribbon menu
  • Restore-Only: Error occurs on listing current prefix in the Restore-Only account

7.2 (21-Sep-2021)


7.1.2 (08-Jul-2021)


  • Data seeding for the new backup format
  • Restore: VMware/Disk Image restore from network share improved for the new backup formt
  • Automatic deletion of incomplete multipart uploads for Backblaze B2

Resolved Issues

  • GUI: Backup Wizard opens slowly in the new backup format
  • Image-based Restore: Error on excluding folders
  • VMware Restore: Incorrect status displayed after the restore plan is completed
  • Restore Verification: error on Restore Verification service starting

7.1 (13-May-2021)


  • GFS Retention Policy Support
  • Restore Verification: results of restore verification added to the notification email

Resolved Issues

  • MS Exchange backup: No databases displayed for MS Exchange 2016
  • VMware Backup: VMware backup plan interrupted by a user is displayed as failed
  • Restore: VMware restore data size is displayed incorrectly on selecting different virtual machines with manual restore point option selected
  • Restore: Some email info cannot be displayed on MS Exchange 2013/2016 item-level restore

7.0.2 (01-Mar-2021)


  • Freeware limit for AWS S3 is 5TB
  • Image-based backup: incremental backup size reduced with renewed deduplication

Resolved Issues

  • File-level backup does not back up on-demand files even if the option Do not back up On-Demand files' is disabled and fast NTFS scan is enabled
  • VMware backup in legacy format fails with "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"
  • Cloud to local backup: Selected backup storage unintentionally changes if a new Storage Account created

7.0.1 (03-Feb-2021)


  • Deduplication of renamed or moved files
  • Wasabi: Support for US-Central-1 region

Resolved Issues

  • VM hybrid backup: Virtual machine backup plan terminates with the 'Length cannot be less than zero' error
  • CLI: The 'list' command does not return disks and volumes in the JSON output for the new backup format

7.0 (07-Dec-2020)


  • The new backup format for File, Image-based, and VMware backups
  • Client-Side Deduplication
  • Synthetic Full Backup Support for File, Image-based, VMware backups in the new backup format. Supported storage providers:
    • Amazon S3 (except S3 Glacier and Deep Archive)
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Backblaze B2
    • Wasabi
    • S3-compatible storage (depends on the storage provider)
  • Mandatory and Full Consistency Checks
  • Restore Verification for Image-based Backups
  • Changed Block Tracking for Image-based Backups
  • Restore On Restore Points
  • Improved GUI
  • Continued upload in case of network issues
  • Support for any characters (emoji, 0xFFFF, etc) and extra-long filenames
  • Filename encryption in the box (one password for generation)
  • Real full backup for file-level backups
  • Fast synchronization (reduced number of objects in backup storage)
  • Plan configuration is always included in a backup
  • Backup logs are backed up along with backup data
  • Object size is limited to 256TB regardless of the storage provider limitations
  • Fast purge (reduced number objects on backup storage, deletion of whole generation database)
  • Password Hint

Resolved Issues

  • Microsoft Azure: special characters are not supported
  • Wasabi: special characters are not supported
  • Engine: Connections are not closed, sockets are left intact
  • An attempt was made to create more links on a file than the file system supports.
  • Backblaze B2: Long filenames are not supported
  • Restore-Only mode: VMware full backup is not displayed correctly
  • Legacy backup format: VMware VM config is not displayed if backup data is in Glacier
  • Repository sync: cannot display characters for xml hexadecimal value 0xFFFF
  • VMware backup: forced full backup of a stopped virtual machine is displayed wrong
  • Hyper-V backup: full backup size is displayed wrong
  • Archive mode: files on backup storage are not displayed in the History tab
  • Archive mode: backup time is too long when backup consists of numerous small files
  • VM restore: just created device is not displayed (NVME controller 0)
  • File and Image-based backup: conflict while two backup plans (file and image-based) are running simultaneously
  • Hyper-V backup: force full backup fails after full backup if at least one VM is powered off
  • High memory consumption on backup plan consistency check when filename encryption enabled
  • Restore from NAS: username or password is incorrect
  • Restore NTFS permissions: permissions are not inherited after restoration
  • Overflow on a backup of big amounts of files and frequent synchronization/consistency checks
  • Image-based backup: Slow execution of block-level backups
  • Invalid password request on the deletion of file backed up with filename encryption previously deleted from backup storage on Backup Storage tab

6.3.3 (07-Oct-2020)


  • Improved Hyper-V Backup
  • Restore to Hyper-V With VM Import
  • Support for Hyper-V Backup for Windows 8 and 10
  • Synthetic Full Backup Support for MinIO
  • Support for vSphere 7.0

6.3.2 (15-Jul-2020)


  • Item-Level Restore for Volumes with Windows Deduplication
  • Support for vSphere 6.7
  • Support for AWS Europe (Milan region)
  • Compression is Enabled By Default
  • Error Messages Copy Feature