Step 1. Select Backup Destinations

System state backup is a native Windows data backup type that only includes crucial OS data. MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup extends this function with the ability to store the data on a cloud storage of your choice.

System State Data Backup is available only on Windows Server 2008 or higher

Typical Windows system state backup contains the following data:

  • Windows System Registry.
  • Performance Counter Configuration information.
  • Component Services Class registration database.
  • Boot and system files, including those protected by Windows File Protection (WFP).
  • Configuration of system-dependent Microsoft applications, such as Certificate Services, Active Directory, IIS, etc.

To create an System State backup plan, launch MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup. On the main toolbar, click Image Based.

The first step is to indicate whether you want to perform backup just to a local or cloud storage or whether you want to use Hybrid Backup to back up data simultaneously to a local and a cloud storage.

If you selected Hybrid Backup, first specify the local storage that will be used to store a local backup. Click Next and select the cloud storage that will be used to store a cloud backup. Click Next.