Platform: macOSProducts: MSP360 Backup
Article ID: s0520Last Modified: 15-Oct-2024

Edit Backup Plans (CLI 2.0)

As of Backup 4.0 for macOS, a new command line interface (CLI 2.0) is introduced. CLI 2.0 is a separate command line interface solution that has the enhanced functionality that covers the new backup format requirements.

Note that editing backup plans in the new backup format is available with the CLI 2.0 only

Edit File Backup Plan Using CLI V2 (new and current backup formats)

To edit a new backup plan, use the plan edit_backup file command.

./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --format nbf --name “Plan Name" --account “Account Name” --source “Source” --confirm

Edit Backup Plan Command Examples

Edit Backup Plan in the New Backup Format

  • ./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --format nbf --name “Plan Name" --account “Account Name” --source “Source” --confirm
  • ./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --format nbf --name “Plan Name" --account “Account Name” --source “Source” --confirm
  • ./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --name “Plan Name” --account “Account Name" --source “Source” --confirm

Edit Backup Plan in the current backup format

View the command examples to edit backup plans in the currenty backup format:

  • ./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --format cbf --name “Plan Name" --account “Account Name” --source “Source” --confirm
  • ./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --format cbf --name “Plan Name" --account “Account Name” --source “Source” --confirm
  • ./cbbV2 plan edit_backup file --name “Plan Name” --account “Account Name" --source ““Source” --confirm

Run Backup Plan

View the command examples to execute backup plans:

  • ./cbbV2 plan start -n “Plan Name”. This command runs the plan named "Plan name"
  • ./cbbV2 plan start –name “Plan Name”. This command runs the plan named "Plan name"
  • ./cbbV2 plan start -n “Plan Name” -f. This command runs full backup of the plan named "Plan name"
  • ./cbbV2 plan start –name “Plan Name” -f. This command runs full backup of the plan named "Plan name"
  • ./cbbV2 plan start -n “Plan Name” --force-full. This command runs full backup of the plan named "Plan name"
  • ./cbbV2 plan start –name “Plan Name” --force-full. This command runs full backup of the plan named "Plan name"
  • ./cbbV2 plan start –id “Plan ID”. This command runs the backup plan with the "Plan ID" instead of a plan name

Stop Backup Plan

View the command examples to stop running backup plans:

./cbbV2 plan stop -n “Plan Name” - Ok ./cbbV2 plan stop –name “Plan Name” - Ok ./cbbV2 plan stop –id “Plan ID” - ok

Command Parameters


This parameter sets the backup format of backup plan and is mandatory.

Parameter syntax:

  • --format
  • -f

Possible values:

  • nbf
  • cbf (default value)


This parameter sets the backup plan name and is mandatory.

Parameter syntax:

  • --name
  • -n

Possible values:

  • None. Default value is: Backup and the date of the backup plan creation


This parameter sets the backup plan ID.

Parameter syntax:

  • --id
  • -i


This parameters sets the storage account name (or account ID) and is mandatory.

Parameter syntax:

  • --account
  • -a

Possible values:

  • Existing storage accounts


Sets the storage class for AWS S3 or Azure storage accounts.


  • Standard
  • StandardIA
  • OneZoneIA
  • Glacier
  • Intelligent
  • DeepArchive


  • hot
  • cool
  • archive


  • Standart


  • hot


Sets the server-side encryption. This parameter can be applied to Amazon S3 storage accounts only.

Possible values:-

  • true
  • false (default)


Enables or disables the Amazon S3 transfer acceleration

Posssible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Executes synchronization with the plan storage account before the plan execution.

Possible values:

  • on
  • off (default)


Specifies the backup soucre. This parameter can be used multiple times in one command.


Exclude files and folders from backup plan, repeatable param


Enables system and hidden file backup.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Saves the backup pkan configuration to the backup storage. This enable the restore of the backup plan configuration. This paremeter can be applied to backup plans in the current backup format only.

Possible values:

  • true (default)
  • false


Enables the block-level backup.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Enables compression.

Possible values:

  • true (default)
  • false

For free editions compression is always disabled.


Enables encryption.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)

For free editions encryption is always disabled.


Sets the encryption algorithm. This paremeter is used with the --encryption parameter and "true" value.

Possible values:

  • aes-128
  • aes-192
  • aes-256 (default)


Sets the encryption password.


Sets the hint for encryption password. This parameter is used with the --encryption-password "true".


Enables/disables empty directories backup.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the behavior for files excluded from backup by mask. This parameter is used with the --file-mask parameter.

Possible values:

  • skip
  • backup
  • all



Excludes specified directories from backup plan.

Examples: abc*; xyz*


Sets the retention policy mode.

Possible values:

  • Default (default)
  • Custom


Enables ‘Delete version older than’ option. This parameter is used with --delete-version-older-type and--delete-version-older-age
--delete-version-older-type. Additionally, the custom retention policy must be set. The parameter is not compatible with the new backup format.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)

Month Week Day

Sets the period type for the delete version older than parameter. This parameter is used with --delete-version-older and --delete-version-older-age parameters. Possible values: Month, Week, Day


Sets the period length for the delete version older than parameter. This parameter must be used with --delete-version-older and --delete-version-older-type parameters.


--delete-version-older-type Week  --delete-version-older-age 2


Enables retention policy in plans in the new backup format.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the period type for retention policy. This parameter is used with --nbf-retention-policy.

Possible values:

  • Year
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day.


--nbf-retention-policy “true” --keep-backup-type “Week”


Sets the period for retention policy. This parameter is used with --nbf-retention-policy and --keep-backup-type parameters.

Possible values: 1-999.


--nbf-retention-policy “true” --keep-backup-type “Month” --keep-backup-number “8”


Sets the period type for retention policy to count. This parameter is used with --delete-version-older parameter. Applies to the current backup format.

Possible values:

  • backup-date
  • modified-date (default)


Enables/disables keeping the last file version on backup storage. Applies to the current backup format only


Enables keeping the specified number of file versions kept on backup storage. This parameter cannot be applied to plans in the new backup format. The value must be an integer


Sets the numbers of file versions kept on backup storage. The value must be an integer and >0. This parameter cannot be applied to plans in the new backup format.


Enables the delete locally deleted files option.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets delay for locally deleted files delay. Example: –delete-locally-delay 4 sets the 4-day delay of deleting files in backup storage that were deleted locally.


Executes the plan if it was missed for some reason as the computer boots up.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Enables schedule for the plan.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Runs the plan on a specific date. Applies to the current backup format only.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Runs the plan on specific date and time. Applies to the current backup format only.

Example: --specific-date-value “14.04.2022 14:05”


Enables plan stopping if it runs more than specified period.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the value in hours for the --stop-auto-option.

Value range: 0-99.

Example: --stop-auto-option “true” --stop-auto-hours value “6”


Sets the value in minutes for the --stop-auto-option.

Value range: 0-59.

Example: --stop-auto-option “true” --stop-auto-hours value “5” --stop-auto-minutes-value “45”


Enables recurring schedule usage. Applies to the current backup format only.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the frequency value for recurring schedule. Applies to the current backup format only.

Possible values:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


Enables/disables the backup plan execution at specific time. This parameter is used with the --frequency-value set “Daily”.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false


Sets the date and time of the backup plan execution. This parameter is used with the --frequency-value set “Daily” and the --occurs-at-option set “true”


Enables or disables the occurs every option in the schedule. This parameter is used with schedule frequency set as daily.

Possible values:

  • on
  • off


Sets the time in minutes for the --occurs-every-option parameter. This parameter is used with schedule frequency set as daily.

Possible values: integer, value range 1-60.


Sets the start date and time the occurs every option is enabled.

Example: --occurs-every-from “11:30”


Sets the date and time the ‘occurs every’ option is enabled until.

Example: --occurs-every-to “23:00”


Sets the day of the week the backup plan is executed. Possible values, integer, range 1-7. This parameter is used with the --frequency-value=Weekly parameter.


Sets the value for occurrence parameter.

Possible values: >= 0


Sets days of the week the backup plan is executed.

Possible values: range 1 to 7

This parameter is used with the following parameters:

  • --frequency-value=Monthly


Set the value for monthly schedule. This parameter is applied with monthly schedule parameters only.

Possible values: range 1 to 12


Sets the date of the backup plan execution.

Example: --occurrence-repeat-every 24.2.2022


Stops the plan execution if it runs longer than the specified period set in hours and minutes.

Possible values: no(default), "hh:mm".

Example: --force-stop “06:30”


Stops the full backup execution if it runs longer than the specified period set in hours and minutes. Possible values: no(default), "hh:mm". Example: --force-stop-full “12:00”


Generates the detailed report of the backup plan execution.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the receive notification email: when backup fails "errorOnly" (default), in any case "on" or not receive at all "off"

Possible values:

  • on
  • off
  • error-only (default)


Sets the notification email subject.

Example: --subject “Your backup plan results”


Configures the full consistency check execution. This parameter can be applied to the new backup format only.

Possible values:

  • true (default)
  • false


Enables the execution of a pre-backup action.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the path to the script.

Example: --pre-action-command "/home/usr/scripts.cleanup.s"


Sets the condition of the pre-backup action. Possible values: true, false. If the value is set as “true”, a backup plan is not executed if a pre-backup action fails. If the value is set “false”, backup plan is executed regardless of the pre-backup action result --post-action-enabled

Possible values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Sets the path to the script.

Example: --post-action-command "/home/usr/scripts.cleanup.s"


Sets the condition of the post-backup action.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false

If the value is set as “true”, a post-backup action is not executed if a backup plan fails. If the value is set “false”, post-backup action is executed regardless of the backup plan result.


Enables the schedule for full backup.

Possible values:

  • on
  • off


Enables the automatic backup plan termination of a full backup.

Possible values:

  • on
  • off (default)


Sets the threshold period in hours for a full backup plan execution.

Possible values: integer, range 0-24.


Sets the threshold period in minutes for a full backup plan execution.

Possible values: integer, range 0-60.


Runs the plan on a specific date. Applies to the current backup format only. Possible values: true, false (default)


Executes a full backup on a specific date and time.

Example: --full-specific-date-value “24.04.2023 12:30”


Enables or disables the recurring schedule.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false *default


Applies to the current backup format only.

Possible values:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


Enables or disables the execution of a full backup on specified moment in time.

Possible values:

  • true
  • false


Sets the time of a full backup execution.

Time on “hh:mm” format


Sets the 'occurs every' option.

Possible values:

  • on
  • off


Sets the value for 'occurs every' option for full backup schedule.


Sets the time of starting a full backup.

Possible values: time on “hh:mm” format


Sets the time full backup plan is executed until.

Possible values: time on “hh:mm” format


Sets the days of a week full backup is executed.

Possible values: numbers of day: 1,2… (1-7)


Sets the full backup

Value >= 0


Sets the day a full backup is executed on.

Possible values: number of days from 1 to 7


Sets the date to the monthly schedule of full backup executions.

Possible values: month from 1 to 12


Sets the date to the monthly schedule of full backup executions.

Possible values: date in format “dd.MM.yyyy”