Add Storage Accounts (CLI 2.0)

To add a new storage account, use the following command:

Parameter Description Possible Values
--type Sets the storage account amazons3, alibaba, filesystem, amazons3chinese, s3compatible, alibabacloud, azure, azureblob, backblaze ,sftp, minio, googlestorage
--name Sets storage account name Any
--access-key Access key Set by storage provider
--secret-key Secret key Key Set by storage provider
--bucket Sets bucket name for the storage account Set by storage provider
--prefix Sets bucket prefix Set by storage provider
--ssl Sets SSL usage true (default), false
--endpoint Sets target endpoint (applies to S3 compatible accounts only) Any
--signature-version Specifies signature version (applies to S3 compatible accounts only) AWS2 (default), AWS4
--project-id Sets project ID (applies to Google cloud accounts only) Set by storage provider
--private-key Sets private key (applies to Google cloud accounts only) Set by storage provider
--container-path Sets the path to container (applies to SFTP accounts) -
--port Sets connection port (aplies to SFTP accounts only) 22 is default value
--keep-alive Sets keep-alive parameter (applies to SFTP accounts only) true (default), false


Amazon S3 accounts

./cbbV2 account add amazons3 --name "storage name" --access-key "access key" --secret-key "secret key" -b "bucket name" --prefix "prefix name" --ssl "true"

SFTP Accounts

./cbbV2 account add sftp --name "my SFTP" --private-key "private key value" --password "password" -c "path to container" --port "22" --keep-alive "false""