Platform: LinuxProducts: MSP360 Backup
Article ID: s0420Last Modified: 19-Mar-2025
What's New
4.3.4 (19-Mar-2025)
- Enhanced security
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.3.3 (15-Jan-2025)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.3.2 (17-Dec-2024)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.3.1 (02-Oct-2024)
- Wasabi: Milan service region EU-South-1 is now supported
- Wasabi: Insufficient storage error is now reported
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.3 (28-Aug-2024)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.2.3 (08-May-2024)
- Do not backup files used by other processes is now renamed to Do not back up files used by other processes at the moment of the backup plan run
- CLI: Changed config export command
Resolved Issues
- Error code 1629: added Knowledge base article to resolve the issue
- Minor bug fixes
4.2.2 (22-Apr-2024)
Deprecated Features
- Legacy storage providers are deprecated. List of supported storage providers is available here.
Command Line Interface: CLI 2.0 is enhanced for creating and editing of the backup and restore plans. The following parameters were changed and need to be updated in existing scripts:
- --occurrence-repeat-every TO --monthly-repeat-from
- --full-occurrence-repeat-every TO --full-monthly-repeat-from
- --full-occurrence-type-value TO --full-monthly-type-value
- --full-occurrence-day TO --full-monthly-day
- --full-occurrence-every TO --full-monthly-every
- --occurrence-type-value TO --monthly-type-value
- --occurrence-day TO --monthly-day
- --occurrence-every TO --monthly-every
- --proxy-type TO --use-proxy
Command Line Interface:--restore-deleted-files parameter is added to plan create_restore file command
Command Line Interface: --format options for backup plan editing and restore plan creating is deprecated
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.2.1 (13-Mar-2024)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.2 (28-Nov-2023)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.1.5 (05-Oct-2023)
- UI graphics are updated
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.1.4 (24-Aug-2023)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.1.3 (03-Jul-2023)
CloudBerry is now part of MSP360 and the product is renamed to MSP360 Backup for Linux
4.1.2 (08-Jun-2023)
- Performance enhancements
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.1.1 (11-May-2023)
- Performance enhancements
- Information message that full backup is not scheduled
Resolved Issues
- Restore: Existing file cannot be restored with 'no content' message
- Performance issues
4.1 (20-Mar-2023)
- A new backup format in beta version is now introduced for file backups.
- Wasabi: ap-southeast-1 region (Singapore) is now supported
Resolved Issues
- Backup: 503 error is not displayed upon synchronization
- CLI V2: 'LocalManagement' process hangs if backup plan is created/edited with the week-day-numbers "1-7" or incorrect schedule value
- CLI V2: 'edit account' command issue
- Performance issues
4.0.3 (20-Feb-2023)
- Minor bug fixes
4.0.2 (22-Dec-2022)
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
4.0.1 (30-Nov-2022)
- Web UI (BETA)
Resolved Issues
- Backup: Plan with SMB share storage account fails if different permissions are set
- Backup: 503 error is not displayed upon synchronization
- CLI V2: 'LocalManagement' process hangs if a backup plan is created/edited with the week-day-numbers "1-7" or incorrect schedule value
- CLI V2: 'edit account' command issue
- Performance issues
4.0 (11-Aug-2022)
Attention: web interface is not available in this version. We are working hard to improve this functionality, and the updated web interface will be available for you in future releases
- New backup format (BETA)
- Client-side deduplication
- Mandatory and full consistency checks
- Restore On Restore Points
- Continued upload for interrupted backups
- Plan configuration is always included in backup
- Fast synchronization (reduced number of objects in backup storage)
- Backup logs are backed up along with backup data
- Object size is limited to 256TB regardless of the storage provider limitations
- Fast purge (reduced number objects on backup storage, deletion of whole generation database)
- Encryption password hint
- New CLI V2 (BETA)
- Specific error and warning codes
- General performance improvements
Resolved Issues
- Backup plan: Current language not displayed in wizard
- Restore: Total File Size displays '0' upon successful restore
- Restore: Incorrect error if invalid encryption password specified
- Licensing: Error upon license releasing attempt
3.3.4 (18-May-2022)
- Support for new Wasabi regions:
- ca-central-1 (Toronto, Canada)
- ap-southeast-2 (Sydney, Australia)
3.3.2 (02-Feb-2022)
- Wasabi: Support for EU-West-2 region (Paris, France)
3.3.1 (19-Jan-2022)
Resolved Issues
- Error on updates from version 3.2.3 on CentOS 7 and 8
- Wasabi: 'SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name' error upon file backup
3.3 (01-Dec-2021)
- Support for new Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval storage class
- Support for Wasabi EU-West-1 region (London, England)
3.2.2 (14-Sep-2021)
- Wasabi: Support for AP-NorthEast-1 region (Tokyo)
3.1.4 (03-Mar-2021)
- Freeware limit for AWS S3 is 5TB
- Support for Wasabi US-Central-1 region
Resolved Issues
- Slow locally deleted files tracking
3.1.2 (26-Nov-2020)
- Support for Multiple Rebranding feature
- New CLI command to select Backup Agent editions from the Allowed Editions pool
- Support for TLS 1.1/1.2
3.1 (22-Sep-2020)
- Full backup after encryption settings were changed
- Support for AWS Europe (Milan) region
- Backup for macOS: an option to suspend backup plans in case the backup source is on the battery power supply
Resolved Issues
- 'Delete locally deleted files' feature does not work in backup plans with directly selected files
3.0.1 (10-Jun-2020)
- Fix: WebAccess crash while a plan is created or edited
- WebUI minor improvements
3.0 (27-May-2020)
- SFTP protocol support
- CLI: new command for adding Azure Stack
- Search feature in the Backup Storage tab
2.10.2 (16-Dec-2019)
- End-user license agreement renewed
2.10.1 (05-Nov-2019)
- macOS Catalina support
- Full disk access support
- Fix: Backup to Wasabi fails in several cases with "The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records" notification
- Fix: SQL errors occurrence after product update
- Fix: cbb addAccount command error
2.10 (15-Oct-2019)
- Direct object restore from S3 Glacier
- Saving and sending logs in the latest backup plan run
- Azure destinations support is expanded. Currently, the following destinations are supported:
- Azure Stack
- Azure Germany
- Azure China
- Azure Government
2.9.4 (22-Aug-2019)
- Backblaze B2 upload retries number is increased to 500
- Domain name in email address check rule is improved
2.9 (13-May-2019)
- Pre-Backup and Post-Backup Script Execution (supported in Ultimate edition)
- Improvements and Additions to Backup Filters
- Built-in Updates Check
2.8.3 (28-Mar-2019)
- Support for Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class
2.8.1 (05-Mar-2019)
- Support for AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering & direct upload to Glacier storage class
2.8 (26-Feb-2019)
- Detailed Report
- Support for Wasabi eu-central-1 region
2.7 (15-Jan-2019)
- Support for Backblaze Application Key
- Support for Wasabi us-west-1 (Hillsboro, OR) region
- Support for Amazon S3 eu-north-1 (Stockholm) region
- Support for Amazon S3 One Zone-IA storage class
2.6 (04-Sep-2018)
- Block Level Backup for files
- Self-signed SSL certificate confirmation in CLI
- Keyboard shortcuts support
2.5 (13-Jul-2018)
- Backup and restore of plans
- Enhanced retention policy
- Enhanced scheduling
- Expanded logging settings
2.4.3 (17-May-2018)
- Fixed the bug where Oracle Cloud's buckets wouldn't list due to improper handling of the access token
- Disabled compression for Oracle Cloud due to its improper processing of compressed files
2.4.1 (02-Apr-2018)
- Server and Personal licenses for Linux users
2.4 (15-Mar-2018)
- Low-res icons and images
- Support for Alibaba Cloud Storage
- Display of Hidden Files & Folders
- Ignoring SSL Certificates
- Symlinks management
2.3 (26-Jan-2018)
- Support for Microsoft Azure Archive & Cool Blob Storage
- Support for S3 Paris region
- Support for Debian 7.11, 8.10, 9.3