Platform: macOSProducts: Explorer
Article ID: s0745Last Modified: 16-Oct-2024

Use Tabs

Tabs help to make navigation easier. Every tab can keep a specific location, and you can browse between tabs to quickly access the necessary file or directory. You can create as many tabs as you want on the MSP360 Explorer tab bar. You can also manage all your tabs, switch among them, close selected tabs, or close all tabs except for selected. The Tab bar contains two tab sets, every pane has its own tab set.

Right-click the tab bar to access the tab bar menu The following actions are available from the tab bar menu:

  • New Tab creates a new tab
  • Show Previous Tab shows the tab right before the selected one
  • Show Next Tab shows the tab right after the selected one
  • Close Tab closes the selected tab
  • Close Other Tab closes all tabs except for the selected one

Create a New Tab

To add a tab, click + on the tab bar of the left or of the right panel of the MSP360 Explorer where you want to have an additional tab.

By default, the new tab contains the same location as the default one. You can change the tab destination as described below.

You can create as many tabs as you need on both panels, but it is reasonable to add no more than 10 tabs for usability purposes.

If multiple tabs were created, the tab location may be hidden. Point to tab to see what location can be shown if you click this tab.

Manage Tabs

To Set Tab Destination for the Specific Tab:

  1. Click on the necessary tab on the tab bar.
  2. Click the device or the storage account you want to browse on the Devices navigation pane. Selected device or storage content appears in the tab.
  3. Navigate to the location you need inside the tab. As soon as you click the object in a folder tree, the tab destination will be set. To change the destination, select another object you need.

To Navigate Across the Tabs:

To go to the necessary tab, click on it. Also, you can use the tab bar menu to show the necessary tab.

Close a Tab

To close the tab, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the tab you want to close.
  2. Right-click the tab bar, select the Close Tab option in the tab bar menu. You can close all tabs on the panel except for the default one.

If you close the tab by mistake, you will need to create it again.

Close Other Tabs

You can close all tabs on the panel except for the selected one.

  1. Open the tab you want to keep as default.
  2. Right-click tab bar, select Close Other Tabs option in the tab bar menu. All tabs on the panel except for the selected one will be closed. If you close any tab by mistake you will need to create it again.