Platform: LinuxProducts: MSP360 Backup
Article ID: s0455Last Modified: 14-Oct-2024

Managing Plans

Getting Plan Details

To get detailed information about a plan, execute the following command:

./cbb getPlanDetails -n "plan's name"

Editing Backup and Restore plans

To modify a backup plan via CLI, execute the following command:

./cbb editBackupPlan

To modify a restore plan via CLI, execute the following command:

./cbb editRestorePlan

These commands should be appended by all the parameters that require modification.

Listing Plans

To list all plans as well as their execution status, execute the following command:

./cbb plan -l

Executing Plans

To start a plan, execute the following command:

./cbb plan -r "plan's name"

Deleting plans

To delete a plan, execute the following command:

./cbb deletePlan -n "plan's name"